February Wisdom Tooth Removal Special at Elite Oral & Facial Surgery
For a limited time, healthy patients under the age of twenty-five can receive a full wisdom tooth removal consultation, x-rays, anesthesia, and all four third molars removed for less than half the regular price – only $1,800!
Call our office, (713) 532-9253 or use the online consultation request tool on our website and mention the February Wisdom Tooth special. Be sure to mention this special at the time of scheduling your consultation to receive this special price!
Must schedule and have procedure performed in the month of February, 2025. Some limitations will apply: Ideal candidates will be between the ages of 14-25 with unobstructed third molars and without additional complications. This is a cash discount, insurance will not be billed.
Full details can be found on our website: www.eofsurgery.com/specials/